Thursday, August 25, 2005

The treasure has been claimed!

Jeff C. and Jessica J. (center in the pic) from New Orleans have solved the puzzle. Jeff and Jessica were able to figure out the riddle after putting together 19 of the 29 clues.

After putting together all the clues, the riddle reads, "MEETMEUNDERTHECLOCKATDHHOLMES". This is a reference to the first paragraph in the novel, "A Confederacy of Dunces".

In the shadow under the green visor of the cap Ignatius J. Reilly's
superciliousblue and yellow yes looked down upon the other people waiting under the clock at the D.H.Holmes department store, studying the crowd of people for signs of bad taste in dress.

The old DH Holmes department store is now the Chateau Sonesta hotel but they retained the old clock where locals would gather to wait for the bus. Under the clock there is a statue of Ignatious as portrayed by actor John "Spud" McConnell. I had hidden a small mailbox under Ignatious' coat.

Unfortunately, I was notified today by another hunter that Smitty had misplaced the piece that had his letter on it and couldn't remember the letter (C).

For those who participated, I hope you had a good time.

Congratulations again Jeff. You have won a professionally framed photograph of Ruthie the Duck Girl, a Quarter Treasure.

I will be doing another Treasure Hunt next year, most likely starting around April, so stay tuned. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know. I would like to know what worked and what did not.

Clues solutions

These are the solutions to the clues that spell out the final riddle.

1. M Commerates the Battle of Liberty Place
Lakeside date L1-L6
Liberty Place Monument
2. E
500 Chartres Napoleon House
Hanging sign L1-L6
Nicholas Girod offered his cupola for this demitasse dictator.
3. E
604 Chartres
You can usually catch Harriette in the mornings.
Harriette is the owner of the Quarter's smallest studio gallery (on Chartres).
4. T
606 Iberville Sidewalk plaque
Plaque in the sidewalk L1-L2
Site of 'Upstairs Lounge', site of a tragic fire in 1973.
5. M
437 Royal James Cohen antiques store hanging sign.
Hanging sign. L1-L3
Mr. Boston wasn't around when this happy concoction was created here.
6. E
Faulkner House in Pirate's Alley
He wrote his first novel "Soldier's Pay" here in 1925
7. U
Dauphine Xiques House
Riverside plaque L1-L7
DePouilly designed this house that served as a night club and seltzer plant.
8. N
127 Royal plaque on building - the birthplace of Comus.
Plaque L1-L9
The Gem was the birthplace of one of the jewels of Carnival.
9. D
Royal St - Seignouret House
Courtyard plaque L2-L7
The number ''6' played a prominent role in this former wine warehouse and furniture factory. (6 refers to channel 6. This was their first studio.)
10. E
1140 Royal
Lakeside tiles, L1-L3
The former Lower Girls' School is allegedly the Quarter's most haunted house.
11. R
430 Burgundy ShoeGate
Shoegate is a fence that someone hung a bunch of shoes on.
12. T
1001 Dumaine Peyroux House plaque
Uptown plaque L2-L5
This house survived both New Orleans fires. The original owner's name sounds like a South American country. This was a really tough one to come up with anything original. Peyroux sounds a little like 'Peru'. :(
13. H
Hula Mae's Rampart & Dumaine
Commercial hanging sign L1-L1
Site of Cosimo Matassa's recording studio.
14. E
Jacques the Butcher in Dutch Alley - a bronze statue in front of the artists' co-op.
Jaques the Butcher - say hi to Dutch
15. C
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop
Hanging sign L2-L4.
Henry Moulon, brother of one of the Quarter's beloved fowl denizens shot a man here in 1958. Henry is Ruthie the Duck Girl's brother.
16. L
403 Royal - former Louisiana State Bank location. Look at the monogram in the railing.
Monogram - 1st letter.
Louisiana State Bank left its mark at this building.
17. O
716 Dauphine Gaudette-LePretre House
Lakeside bronze plaque L1-L18
"The Sultan's" house, allegedly haunted by the victims of ghastly murders.
18. C
Bruce and Smitty at Bienville and Bourbon
A gratuity might be in order.
Find a Lucky dog vendor named Smitty. Unfortunately, Smitty wasn't the Library of Congress. He lost the token I had given him with the clue and didn't remember what it was.
19. K
126 Exchange Place. This one was tough. There are a bunch of apartments on this short street right off Canal, but no doors and no addresses. This was Oswald's house when he attended junior high.
No address marking but there is a vertical sign across the street, use the 4th of 4 letters.
Lee Oswald mother's house in the Quarter.
20. A
Jean Lafitte's Old Absinthe House Bourbon Street
Hanging sign L1-L6
Find Johnny U's helmet and Jack Dempsey's shoe here.
21. T
410 Chartres Williams Research Center
Stone sign L2-L1
The former Third Precinct Police Station.
22. D
Audubon room 401 Dauphine
Riverside plaque l1-L3
The plaque on this back of the Quarter house says this is Audobon's studio.
23. H
619 Chartres - Bosque House, site where the Good Friday fire of 1788 started.
L3 - L7
Bosque House, where the Good Friday fire, which destroyed much of New Orleans started.
24. H
514 Chartres - Dufilio Pharmacy - pharmacy museum
Window sign L3-L2
This pharmacy served up love potion number nine.
25. O
By Oz - bourbon & St Anne
Famous entertainer's name in the sidewalk somewhere over the rainbow.
26. L
Three townhouses designed by James Gallier 312 Dauphine
Riverside plaque L2-L19
Site of three townhouses Gallier Sr designed.
27. M
Pedesclaux-Lemonnier house
Monogram on ironwork - third letter
NOLA's first skyscraper
28. E
Joan of Arc statue - Orleans Plaque on uptown side. I hope I translated the French expression on this plaque properly.
Word on the bottom of plaque - L1-L4
Joannie on a Pony - The Heart is the blossom of the lily.
29. S
615 Ursulines - Croissant D'Or bakery.
Riverside entrance, two-line tile L1-L6 on sidewalk
The Golden Crescent once was the location for an Italian ice cream parlor.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Random update

As of today, no one has claimed the fabulous prize, so it is still out there.

[hint] You will be seeking a very small 'mailbox' with contact information contained within and not the treasure itself. So look very carefully when you think you have solved the riddle.

The mailbox is easily accessible, it is not buried and you won't have to move any objects to discover it.

Jon Donley gave this site a mention on his weblog, "Bourbon Street Journal". You can catch his informed ramblings at . Thanks Jon.

I spoke with Harriette (clue #3) a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately she said she was going to be out of town for about three weeks, so she should be back the last week of June.

Be sure to contact me if you have any questions.

Happy hunting!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Clues

Treasure of the NOLA Madre
Clues (be sure to print"How it Works" for instructions)

1 Commemorates the Battle of Liberty Place. (lakeside date, L1-L16)
2 Nicholas Girod offered his cupola for this demitasse dictator. (Hanging sign, L1-L6)
3 Find the smallest studio/gallery on Chartres. Ask for Harriette in her doorway (mornings is the best time to catch her)
4 Site of the 'Upstairs Lounge', site of a tragic fire in 1973 (sidewalk plaque L1-L2)
5 Mr. Boston wasn't around when this happy concoction was created here (hanging sign L1-L3)
6 He wrote his first novel, "Soldier's Pay" in this house in 1925 (plaque L2-L2)
7 DePouilly designed this back of the quarter house that served as a nightclub and seltzer plant (riverside plaque L1-L7)
8 The Gem was the birthplace of one of the jewels of carnival (plaque L1-L9)
9 The number “6” played a prominent role in this former wine warehouse and furniture factory (courtyard plaque L2-L7)
10 The former Lower girls’ School is allegedly the Quarter’s most haunted house (Lakeside tiles L1-L3)
11 Shoegate (L2-L3)
12 This house survived both New Orleans fires and the original owner's name sounds like a South American country (uptown plaque L2-L5)
13 Site of Cosimo Matassa’s recording studio where he recorded Little Richard, Louis Armstrong, Fats domino and many NOLA legends. (hanging sign L1-L1)
14 Jaques the Butcher - say ‘hi’ to Dutch (L3-L1)
15 Henry Mouton, brother of one of the Quarter’s beloved fowl denizens shot a man here in 1958 (hanging commercial sign L2-L4)
16 Louisiana State Bank left its mark at this building (monogram-1st letter)
17 The “sultan’s” house alleged haunted by the murdered Sultan’s ghost (lakeside bronze plaque L1-L18)
18 Find a Lucky Dog vendor named Smitty (Usually on Bourbon. A gratuity might be in order)
19 Lee Harvey Oswald lived here when he attended Warren Easton school (no addresses in this block but find the vertical sign across the street in the middle of the block. Use the 4th of 4 letters)
20 Find Johnny U's helmet and Jack Dempsey's shoe here (commercial sign L1-L6)
21 The former Third Precinct police station (Inscription on building L2-L1)
22 The plaque on this back of the Quarter house says this is Audubon's studio. (riverside plaque L1-L3)
23 Bosque House, where the Good Friday fire which destroyed much of New Orleans, started (L3-L7)
24 This pharmacy served up love potion number nine (window sign L3-L2)
25 Famous entertainer's name in the sidewalk somewhere over the rainbow (sidewalk tile (L1-L6)
26 Site of three townhouses Gallier Sr designed (riverside plaque L2-l19)
27 NOLA's first skyscraper (monogram on ironwork, third letter)
28 Joannie on a Pony – There is a plaque that reads, “the Heart is the blossom of the lily” (use the word on the bottom of a plaque L1-L4)
29 The Golden Crescent once was the location for an Italian ice cream parlor (riverside entrance, two line tile L1-L6)

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Thanks to Ron Joullian, a fourth generation Nawalinian and New Orleans tour guide for his expert help and friendship in putting together the project.

Ron is available for tours of the Quarter and Uptown as well as lectures on New Orleans history, culture and architecture.

Contact Ron at

Thanks also to Tim Angle of Angle Custom Frame. A good friend who contributed his craftsmanship for the project. Tim's fram shop is located at 4422 Magazine, 269-3726.

Thanks, too to Rick Delaup of Eccectric New Orleans fame. His website is located at . His old-New Orleans burlesque review on Sunday nights at One Eyed Jacks in the quarter has received excellent reviews.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

How it works

Treasure of the NOLA Madre
How it works

There is a treasure located in the French Quarter. Find the 29 locations described in these clues and locate a letter on a plaque or sign at each location.

With each clue, there will be a description of the marker you are looking for and a description of where to find the letter on the marker. For example, "Commemorates the Battle of Liberty Place. (lakeside date, L1-L16)", indicates the lakeside portion of the object, find the date, locate the letter on line 1, letter 16 from the left. That letter is your clue.

The 29 letters will spell out the final riddle that reveals the location of the treasure. (Well, not actually the treasure, but instructions on how to collect it).

Like Wheel of Fortune, you won’t have to solve every clue to find the treasure. You might decipher the final clue without all the letters.
It is a pastime, not a race. Hopefully, it will take a couple of months for someone to find the treasure, so have a beer and take your time and have some fun discovering the Quarter.
Except for the possibility of some human clues, none of the clues will be moveable, so none of them will disappear during the hunt.
You will not have to do any digging or moving of objects to find a clue or to reveal the treasure.
All of the clues are located within a couple of blocks of the quarter (all on the river side of Rampart).
Check in with the website for updates such as clarification of clues. If you have a question or need clarification, send me an email.
Send me your email address and I will keep you up to date on alerts, hints, corrections and so on.
It ain't a private club, so invite your friends.

contacted me at